◀ Rulebooks

Ver. 1.3

Advanced Skills

The Advanced Skills rule set is an optional rule variant that allows players to earn skill improvements through use of their skills in-game, making skill progression resemble a roleplaying video game. It can be used in adventures following standard progression, and necessitates some additional work for the GM during and after each session. When used well, this rule can encourage players to make clever use of skills and foster better roleplaying.

Advanced Skills Rules

When playing an adventure with the advanced skills rules, the following rule changes apply:

Awarding Skill Points

Each time a player character attempts a skill check, the GM records a number of skill points for that character based on the result. The table below is a suggestion for the number of points to award for each action, based on the outcome and difficulty.

Table: Suggested Skill Point Rewards

Difficulty Failure (miss by 5+) Near Failure (miss by 1-4) Near Success (beat by 0-4) Success (beat by 5-9) Critical Success (beat by 10+)
Very Easy (1-5) 0 0 0-1 0-1 0-3
Easy (6-10) 0 0 0-2 0-3 0-4
Medium (11-15) 0 0-1 1-2 1-3 2-5
Hard (16-20) 0-2 0-3 1-4 2-5 3-6
Very Hard (21-25) 0-2 1-3 2-5 3-6 4-8
Extraordinary (26-30) 0-4 0-5 3-6 4-8 6-10
Unbelievable (>30) 0-6 0-8 4-8 6-10 8-12

Use Common Sense

The GM ultimately decides how many points to award. Use your common sense by rewarding points in a way that encourages clever roleplaying and creative use of skills. This rule variant is easy to exploit if the GM doesn't use their common sense when deciding what to award points for. Here are a few tips:

The Post-Session Tally

After each session, record the skill point totals in your adventure tracker. Follow these steps using your filled-out session sheet:

  1. For each party member, add the skill points earned in each skill to the running totals for that character on the adventure tracker.
  2. Check whether any skills increased for that character using the table below. If so, add the resulting character points to the character's total.
  3. Total the character points earned from any skill increases along with others earned in the session and determine whether the character levels up.
  4. Notify each player privately, such as via text message, of the total number of character points they earned in the session, any skill increases achieved, and if they leveled up.
  5. Save your adventure tracker in a safe place to update after every session!

Table: Advanced Skill Improvement

Skill Increase Skill Points Needed Character Points Earned
0→1 20 (20 total) 5
1→2 20 (40 total) 10
2→3 30 (70 total) 15
3→4 45 (115 total) 20
4→5 60 (185 total) 35
5→6 75 (260 total) 50
6→7 100 (350 total) 65
7→8 125 (475 total) 100
8→9 150 (625 total) 150
9→10 175 (800 total) 200

Table: Character Points By Level


Additional Advanced Skills Features