◀ Rulebooks

Ver. 1.3



A Mercenary is a soldier-for-hire. They are undisputed masters of combat, using a variety of weapons and fighting techniques.

The Torchlight Society trains mercenaries as protectors for those exploring dangerous ancient ruins. There, they are usually the muscles of the adventuring party, and the ones responsible for protecting their companions from the many dangers that lurk in the ruins.

Mercenaries fight mainly with conventional melee weapons, though they do receive basic training in defensive spells.

Class Information

Difficulty ★☆☆ Simple
Hit Point Increment 7 or 1d12 + your CON modifier per Mercenary level
Magic Skill Points 2
Magic Studies
Natural Skills

Playing as a Mercenary

While Adventuring

You keep your allies close, always ready to protect them and jump into the fray should danger arise. You prefer the brute-force approach to puzzle-solving, which might sometimes be a liability.

During Social Interaction

You tend to be very blunt and not too social. You give off the impression that you aren't someone to cross. You won't hesitate to use intimidation to get what you or your party needs.

In Combat

You use your weaponry expertise to dispatch enemies and protect your party. You try to draw enemies' focus to you, using your strong defenses to take hits that would be much more devastating to your teammates. You use a variety of specialized attacks and fighting techniques to capitalize on your enemies' missteps.

While Resting

You eat and sleep to revitalize your body's natural defenses. You might spend time repairing or improving your weapons, or practicing your fighting skills.

Starting Equipment

When creating a leveled character that starts with this class, consult the Mercenary Starting Equipment table to determine what items you start with. You receive all of the items listed for your starting level and all levels below it. You can choose to replace any number of items with their equivalent value in credits (CR).

Table: Mercenary Starting Equipment


Class Features

Table: The Mercenary Table

Level Feature Rage Uses Proficiency Bonus Proficiency Damage Caster Level
1 Mercenary Specialties, Rage 1     0
2 Ability Score Improvement 1     0
3 Natural Skill Improvement, Specialty Improvement 1     0
4 Mercenary Archetype 1 +1 +1 0
5 Learning Experience, Mercenary Bonus 2 +1 +1 0
6 Ability Score Improvement 2 +1 +2 0
7 Spellcasting, Spell Studies 2 +2 +2 1
8 Archetype Feature, Specialty Improvement 2 +2 +3 1
9 Natural Skill Improvement 3 +2 +3 1
10 Resilient Fighter 3 +2 +4 1
11 Specialty Improvement, Spell Studies 3 +3 +4 2
12 Combat Expert 3 +3 +5 2
13 Ability Score Improvement 4 +3 +5 2
14 Natural Skill Improvement, Mercenary Bonus 4 +3 +6 2
15 Archetype Feature, Spell Studies 4 +4 +6 3
16 Savage Fighter 4 +4 +7 3
17 Ability Score Improvement 5 +4 +7 3
18 Natural Skill Improvement, Learning Experience 5 +4 +8 3
19 Specialty Improvement, Spell Studies 5 +5 +8 4
20 Combat Master 5 +5 +9 4
21 Ability Score Improvement 6 +5 +9 4
22 Archetype Feature, Mercenary Bonus 6 +5 +10 5
23 Spell Studies, Natural Skill Improvement 6 +6 +10 5
24 Superhuman Strength 6 +6 +11 5
25 Mercenary Bonus x2, Ability Score Improvement 7 +6 +11 5
26 Archetype Feature, Natural Skill Improvement 7 +6 +12 5
27 Specialty Improvement, Spell Studies 7 +7 +12 6
28 Limitless Rage, Ability Score Improvement Unlimited +7 +12 6
29 Natural Skill Improvement, Mercenary Bonus, Specialty Improvement, Learning Experience Unlimited +8 +12 6
30 Ultimate Protector, Spell Studies, Mercenary Bonus x2 Unlimited +Level +15 7

Mercenary Specialties

At Level 1, choose three natural skills from the Mercenary's Natural Skills list. Gain 1 level in any two of the following specialties:


At level 1, you gain the ability to unleash Rage, a state of heightened physical ability at the cost of reduced mental faculties.

As a Mercenary, you can enter Rage as an action during your turn. You have a limited number of uses of Rage per day as shown in the Mercenary table. You remain enraged until combat ends or until the end of your turn if you did not attack during that turn.

While raging, you gain the following effects:

Ability Score Improvement

At each level where you receive this bonus, increase one of your ability scores by 2, or two different scores by 1 each.

Ability scores can't be increased beyond 20 using this feature until your overall level reaches 15, and no ability score can be increased beyond 30 at any level.

After updating your score, be sure to update the relevant modifiers, including skills and other calculated stats that factor in the increased scores.

Natural Skill Improvement

At each level you receive this bonus, increase each of your natural skills by one level.

This feature can't increase any skill higher than 7 unless you're level 20 or higher. This feature cannot be used to become Legendary.

TIP: To increase a skill beyond 7 at an earlier level, use the Skill Improvement General Feat.

Specialty Improvement

At each level you receive this bonus, choose one of your specialties and increase its level by 1. Specialties can't be increased above 3.

If you don't have any specialties that can be improved when you receive this bonus, you may gain 1 point in a new specialty of your choice..

Mercenary Archetype

At Level 4, you choose an archetype that shapes your mastery of combat as you level up.

Add your Proficiency Bonus to attack rolls using your archetype's preferred weaponry. Your Proficiency Bonus increases with your level according to the Mercenary Table.

Learning Experience

At each level you receive this bonus, choose one of your knowledges and increase its level by 1, or gain 1 point in a new knowledge subject of your choice. If your Intelligence score is 15 or greater, you may do this twice each time you receive this bonus. If it's 20 or greater, you may do this three times.

Knowledges can't be increased beyond 10 at any level.

Mercenary Bonus

At each level you receive this bonus, your Natural Armor rating increases by 1. Choose one of the following additional bonuses:


At Level 7, you may begin to learn and cast spells. Increase your caster level to 1.

Assign initial values to your magical skills. As an Mercenary, you have 2 points to spend on these skills, and you can choose from the forms that are part of your training (Elemental, Physical, and Divine.)

Spell Studies

At each level where you receive this bonus, you may learn new spells from the Spell Study Guide. This usually, but not always, occurs at each level where your caster level increases.

You may choose to learn a spell of lesser rarity with this ability. For example, whenever you have the option to learn a Rare spell, you may choose to learn an Uncommon or Common spell instead. If you do, you lose the opportunity to learn a Rare spell at that level.

Defensive Fighter

Starting at Level 10, you can focus your Rage to protect your teammates from harm.

While Raging, you can move at up to twice your Speed to Protect an Ally, and your Rage doesn't end if you didn't attack during a turn as long as you blocked or protected an ally during that turn.

Combat Expert

At Level 12, your expertise allows you to multitask in combat. Your turn length increases by one frame, and you gain an additional reaction frame per round.

Savage Fighter

At Level 16, you become more tactical with your use of weapons while Raging.

Your damage bonus while Raging increases to +2d with your archetype's preferred weapons.

Combat Master

At Level 20, you've mastered the art of battle. Your turn length increases by one frame. You can choose to Stay On Guard for any number of frames during your turn. If you do, your turn ends, and those frames become additional reaction frames until the start of your next turn.

Superhuman Strength

At Level 24, you become stronger and more resilient than your enemies could ever imagine. Your Strength and Constitution scores each increase by 4. Whenever you get a critical failure on a Strength check, Constitution check, or Endurance save, it becomes a regular failure instead.

Limitless Rage

Starting at Level 28, you have unlimited uses of Rage.

Utimate Protector

At Level 30, you're unmatched in combat. You gain the following benefits:

Mercenary Class Feats

View As: Collage Table

Items with the ⬆ Upgrade symbol can be purchased any number of times.

Items with multiple tiers must be purchased in order (starting with tier 1.)

You Wouldn't Like Me...


You won't hesitate to get what you want through fear.

You can always use your Strength modifier for Intimidation checks instead of Charisma. (Intimidation won't be subject to penalties during Rage as a result.)

Precision Attack


You're capable of aiming your attacks precisely at targets' weak points.

The circumstance penalty for called shots is reduced by 1.

Steadfast Fighter


You can use the weight of the items you're carrying to your advantage.

Add the total weight of items in your inventory to the outcome of checks to resist forced movement.



You can better account for your momentum during strikes.

Melee attacks that result in failures (but not critical failures) do not count toward the repetition tax.



You can use Athletics for any action that would normally require a Strength check.

Adrenaline Rush


Prerequisite: Rage

While raging, you're capable of incredible feats of strength.

You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to all Athletics skill checks and Strength ability checks while in Rage.

Hulking Figure


Prerequisite: Rage

Your anger is so intense that you actually seem to become physically larger.

While raging, you behave as though your Size modifier has increased by 1 point.

Your Passive Agility is reduced by 1 and your natural Armor increases by 1.)

Always On Guard


Prerequisite: Mercenary Archetype

You can act quickly in the face of danger using your specialized weapon training.

At the start of combat, if you're holding or wearing a weapon of your archetype's preferred type, you can draw it as a free action. If you do, add your Proficiency Bonus to your Initiative roll.

Battle Cry


Prerequisite: Mercenary Level 5

Whenever you enter Rage, you let out a terrifying yell that causes all enemies within 30 feet to become frightened of you unless they succeed on a Determination save. The difficulty is 12 plus your Proficiency Bonus.

Calculated Tactics


Prerequisite: Mercenary Level 5

At the beginning of combat, you can choose to take either a +5 bonus or a -5 penalty to your Initiative roll. If you take the bonus, your first turn's length is reduced by one frame. If you take the penalty, your first turn's length is increased by one frame.

You're Next


Prerequisite: 5 Intimidation

Whenever you attempt a Frighten (Intimidation) action immediately after dealing a lethal blow to an enemy in combat, you let the target know "You're Next." Gain a +10 circumstance bonus to the outcome of that check.

Firearms Training


Prerequisite: Mercenary Level 5, 3 Marksmanship

You've taken the required training and received a Class I firearms license, which allows you to legally purchase ranged self-defense weapons.

First Blood


Prerequisite: Mercenary Level 7

Increase your Initiative modifier by 1.

Whenever you deal the first successful hit in a combat, that attack becomes a critical hit.

Arcane Fighter


You branch out and expand your spellcasting skills.

Learn three common spells of any form from the Spell Study Guide.

Protective Instincts


Prerequisite: Mercenary Level 12

Your turn length increases by 1 for each of your allies that is incapacitated or unconscious.

Supernatural Rage


Prerequisite: Arcane Fighter, Mercenary Level 15

Your anger magnifies your magical powers.

While Raging, you gain a +5 bonus to Spellcasting checks.

Furious Speed


Prerequisite: Mercenary Level 15

Your rage lets you move through combat with unmatched speed and perform multiple attacks.

While raging, your turn length is increased by one frame.

Items with the ⬆ Upgrade symbol can be purchased any number of times.

Tiered Name Cost Requirements Details
  You Wouldn't Like Me... ✪35 Details ▶
  Precision Attack ✪25 Details ▶
  Steadfast Fighter ✪50 Details ▶
  Fluorish ✪100 Details ▶
  Athlete ✪30 Details ▶
  Adrenaline Rush ✪30 Rage Details ▶
  Hulking Figure ✪40 Rage Details ▶
  Always On Guard ✪90 Mercenary Archetype Details ▶
  Battle Cry ✪70 Mercenary Level 5 Details ▶
  Calculated Tactics ✪60 Mercenary Level 5 Details ▶
  You're Next ✪75 5 Intimidation Details ▶
  Firearms Training ✪20 Mercenary Level 5, 3 Marksmanship Details ▶
  First Blood ✪85 Mercenary Level 7 Details ▶
  Arcane Fighter ✪80 Details ▶
  Protective Instincts ✪150 Mercenary Level 12 Details ▶
  Supernatural Rage ✪100 Arcane Fighter, Mercenary Level 15 Details ▶
  Furious Speed ✪110 Mercenary Level 15 Details ▶